I Am Sorry

No tax ID, no publishing.

Nurein Akindele
2 min readJun 29, 2020
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

Some people have good hearts. Some have a type of heart similar to mine where they think of weird things like, “can I still walk?” So they quickly get up to test their legs — Yay! Still works (or walks).

I think you can systematically show that you care about your actions and how it affects other people (kind of like an indicator of a good heart) by being transparent with your actions.

The other day at work, one of the co-founders made a mistake submitting a proposal after the deadline. He didn’t realize he didn’t press the submit button or something until later when the deadline had passed. Anyway, he could’ve been silent about it and we wouldn’t know why we didn’t get the proposal — it’s not like the companies always give feedback — but, he sent a mail explaining what happened and how sorry he was.

It made me trust him more. It made me have confidence in him to always be honest with me no matter what.

I am about to be honest with you too about my upcoming book, Reflection. I know I said it was going to be ready on my birthday (today is my birthday). But, it isn’t.

I’m self-publishing it and I don’t exactly plan to make money off it. However, Amazon KDP requires I have a tax ID to publish in the first place. Funny thing is I didn’t even know I didn’t have one. It felt like something I had. I mean, I’ve been working for over 1.5 years now and I still don’t have a tax ID.

Mm, I wonder where my taxes go to though.

Very disturbing.

So, I’m going to get that and fix my shit.

Again, I feel embarrassed by this. I am sorry.



Nurein Akindele

I write about my experiences — from my childhood to just yesterday. & I do this with 2 goals in mind: 1. so you learn something 2. you have fun while at it.